F³GS - Feel, Find, Fight Gender Stereotypes

The fight against gender stereotypes starts in the classroom!

What are Gender Stereotypes?

The brief exchange we have reported is significant because it shows us how a series of beliefs, ideas, prejudices and visions can be spread and shared even among female and male students which, more or less consciously, lead them to attribute to women and men different types of attributes, physical or character, and a different expectation relating to the roles that they can or cannot play in the family and in society, for the sole fact of belong to a given sex.

These are gender stereotypes which constitute a series of values and beliefs shared by a particular society and which inevitably end up influencing the individuals who living within that society, act, interact and make choices.

Teacher: “Is it important that the person with the higher salary in the family is the man or the woman?”

Antonio: “Well no, as long as someone earns, why should it matter who earns more?”

Matteo: “It doesn't seem right to me. It's not nice if the father earns less than the mother at home."

How to fight them in schools?

Feel GS

With the help of Storytelling, you can highlight how female and male students feel in situations that are "unsuitable for their gender" and at the same time how they are unconsciously influenced in imagining situations related to the STEM field.

Find GS

Thanks to "Find GS - Guess the character" your female and male students will discover many characters who have chosen to work in fields "not very suitable for their gender" and who have changed the world with their discoveries and inventions.

What does F³GS want to teach girls and boys?


We help girls and boys understand why gender stereotypes can make them feel out of place in certain contexts...


Let's give them the tools to be able to recognize them at school, at home, at work and in the little things...


Only in this way we will finally be able to fight gender stereotypes in any area of society!

A project in collaboration with
