The Project F³GS


  • Train teachers of schools of all levels on the topic of gender stereotypes > in the school context
  • Provide female and male teachers with the tools to recognize and deconstruct gender stereotypes
  • Make educational activities already tested and validated available to teachers. They are useful for introducing the problem of gender stereotypes in school context


  • Provide female and male students of schools of all levels with the tools to recognize and deconstruct the strong gender stereotypes that operate around them, particularly in scholastic settings
  • Permettere alle studentesse e agli studenti di compiere scelte relative al loro futuro scolastico e lavorativo che siano per quanto più possibile consapevoli e libere dall’influenza degli stereotipi di genere

How F³GS was born

The F³GS (Feel, Find, Fight Gender Stereotypes) project is part of a larger project, “The Fight Against Gender Stereotypes Begins in the Classroom”, funded by the IVLP Impact Award which rewarded the proposal of Clementina Sasso, astrophysicist at the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte.

“The Fight Against Gender Stereotypes Begins in the Classroom” was born and developed from the collaboration between Clementina Sasso and Silvia Galano, researcher in Physics education at the University of Naples Federico II, who has been working for years on the topic of gender stereotypes within the STEM disciplines.

F³GS was born from the idea that in order to fight gender stereotypes one must first be able to recognize them (find) and understand how they act on the individual and how they make him or her feel in relation to certain contexts or situations.

What does the project consist of?

The project aims first and foremost to train teachers of schools of all levels on the topic of gender stereotypes in schools, providing them with the tools to recognize and deconstruct such stereotypes.

The teachers are an active part in the experimentation and validation of the teaching activities developed within the F³GS project and which are made available free to anyone want to implement them in their classes.

The activities are aimed at raising female and male students' awareness of the existence of gender stereotypes and how they influence their relationship with school disciplines and their choices in the field of school orientation.

Our educational Activities

Feel GS

Tell your story!

Find GS

Guess the Character!
